Three adults around a white hot forge each holding metal inserted into the fire.
Jeep’s Forge School of Blacksmithing is here to offer unique continuing education credits to various disciplines that require regular recertification. This experience will fit into a wide variety of disciplines and educational areas, such as career and technical education, science, art, job training, and history, just to mention a few.  Why not try your hand at blacksmithing at Jeep’s Forge School of Blacksmithing? You will grow stronger and have a fun and unforgettable experience while pushing yourself in a different direction.

Did you know, that blacksmiths are the only tradesmen that use all four parts of the earth: wind, (the air that blows through the fire), water (the liquid that is used to cool/harden the metal), fire (the source of our heat used to heat the metal) and earth/coal (the material that provides the heat to our metal?

Each class will consist of a brief safety lesson and instructions on each item to be made. We will start with a basic hook, an “S” hook, and a fork. An additional item(s) will be added if a second day is added for additional ceu’s. We will learn how to square, taper, round, twist, bend, scroll, and hot-cut metal.

The class can be 1 day, 5 hours long (.5 ceu’s) from (9am -2pm) or 2 days, 10 hours (1.0 ceu’s). Must have a minimum of 4 participants with a maximum of 6 participants. The cost is $100 plus a $15 material fee for 1 day (.5 ceu’s), or $200 plus $30 material fee for 2 days (1.0 ceu’s). You can choose a date, Monday – Sunday that works best for you and your school. Book your class by contacting the school at: for more information.
Coming Soon...